The many faces of grief refer to the varied characteristics grief displays and how they manifest themselves in individuals. This can be even more varied because though grief is universal it is; unique to the individual and shaped by the circumstances surrounding it. Coping with grief after death by natural causes tends to be more progressive than doing the same after a sudden traumatic death. I believe this is so because no-one ever anticipates a traumatic loss.
My brothers death was sudden and traumatic. It was totally unexpected. He was young, successful, healthy, athletic and full of life. He was cycling early one morning and hit by a drunk driver, whose license had already been suspended. In fact the driver was so inebriated that he did not realize what happened and had passed out at the scene. These circumstances made the grieving process challenging. This in no way undermines the magnitude of any face of grief or its impact. It simply illustrates that mode of death is directly proportional to coping with loss.
The mode or way one dies is one of the most important and significant factors that affect the grieving process. I have read several articles and books on grieving and one thing these have in common is trying to determine the duration or specific time-frame that grief should have. Why is this important? In fact, this is what is least important. What is important is having a good support system so that we can cope and move at our own paces through the grieving process.
There is no handbook or guide for handling or maneuvering through the many faces of grief as the characteristics too varied and the circumstances too different. So too are the symptoms that manifest themselves as we go through the grieving process. The best advice I can give is: go at your own pace, cut and paste the remedies that work best for you and do not let anyone determine how long or how you should grieve. God tells us that when we renew or minds we do away with lies and replace them with truth. This truth is found in God’s word the believers handbook. Do not attempt to grieve without the help of the Holy Spirit. Know the Lord loves you unconditionally, is the Father of mercies, the God of all comfort and He, will be with you always.